Users can know how much hot water is in their solar water heater for showers in order to save water and energy in the easiest way possible.
Defining the problem
1. User Survey
Survey of questions answered by 373 responders was held to understand users needs, habits and frustrations.
- While being a vital and essential part of many homes in Israel, users of the solar heater don’t know what happens inside it and decisions regarding are mostly based on guesses.
2. User profile

3. Current Customer Journey Map

- In the current situation of users is mostly based on guesses and experience using the boiler, not on knowledge or facts.
- Users need to plan in advance their shower plans based on the weather forecast and not on what actually happened during the day.
- Users may be using more energy than actually needs to heat the water.
- Individual users can use more hot water than needed to shower resulting in family members not having enough hot water.
4. Desirable Customer Journey Map

- The most vital information for the user is the amount of water and showers available in the given time is the most important job of the app in order to succeed.
5. User UX flow